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3 Things You Can’t Ignore When Playing Press Man Coverage

By: Chad Wilson Owner: All Eyes DB Camp Nowadays, playing press man coverage is a must for cornerbacks at virtually all levels. Being good at press involves some athletic attributes that are key, however, it is your mental approach that will bring you the most success. In this...

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Speed Up Your Breaks with this Top of the Route DB Drill

As defensive backs, we know that a big part of our game is changing direction. The elite ones are able to do this and do it quickly. In the drill that I’m introducing and analyzing for you today we are speeding up our feet and learning how to get out of our brakes with m...

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How Did You Make that Play? I Saw it On Film

The Importance of Film Study for a Playmaking DB By: Chad Wilson Owner – All Eyes DB Camp If there is one downfall for young defensive backs in the game of football it is their unwillingness or inability to study film.  Time and again,  I have come across defen...

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Tackling is A Part of this DB Thing…. Learn How

Tacking is not an issue I tackle a lot on this blog but I should.  The emphasis around here is on coverage and being in the right place to make a play on the ball when it is thrown.  However,  tackling in the secondary has taken on even greater importance in thi...

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Do This to Improve Your Defensive Back Footwork

By: Chad Wilson Owner All Eyes DB Camp Whether you’re shadowing a receiver in man coverage or reading the quarterback’s eyes in zone defense, your footwork sets the foundation for success as a defensive back. In this article, we’ll explore key techniques and ...

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What is the Air Raid Offense?

By: Chad Wilson Owner: All Eyes DB Camp If you have been watching and paying attention to football,  college football in particular,  over the last few years,  you have no doubt heard about the Air Raid offense.  It has been largely responsible for the expl...

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Paying Attention to this One Thing as a DB Can Speed Your Feet Up 10x

By: Chad Wilson Owner All Eyes DB Camp When the offseason hits,  the evaluation of the in season starts.  If you are a high quality player,  you are going to cut the film on,  watch yourself play and take a good look at where you need to improve.  For ...

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The Evolution of Quarters Coverage in Football

By: Chad Wilson All Eyes DB Camp IG: @alleyesdbcamp In the ever-evolving landscape of football strategy, defensive specialists continually strive to develop schemes that can effectively counter the dynamic offenses of the modern game. One defensive strategy that has undergone ...

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Top 10 BallHawks in DB History

If you play or coach the position of defensive back,  you know that there is no better feeling than getting your hands on the football.  Some guys are better at it than others and in this article we will honor the best ballhawks to ever play the game. Getting interce...

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