Don’t Untrain Yourself

A Message to Defensive Backs About Correct Training It’s that time of year when we turn up the heat on our preparation for the coming season. They say champions are made in the summer, and that may be true, but it can also be a time when you form some bad habits. There i...

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3 Common Mistakes in Press Man and How to Fix Them

By: Chad Wilson All Eyes DB Camp Press man coverage has become an essential skill for defensive backs looking to excel in the secondary. It involves a certain array of physical skills, but more so it requires consistent technique to be good at it. In this article, we will exam...

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How to Lock On in Man Coverage

If you are going to be an effective cornerback at your level or even a quality nickel back,  at some point you are going to have to be able to play some form of press coverage.  A big part of being good at it is going to be your ability to stay with the route &hellip...

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Help Defensive Backs Avoid These 5 Common Mistakes

Defensive backs play a critical role in a football team’s defense, but like any other position, they are susceptible to making mistakes. Recognizing and addressing these common errors can help defensive backs improve their performance on the field. In this blog post, we ...

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Fix Your Eyes on More Interceptions with these 5 Techniques

In the realm of sports, the ability to maintain sharp eye discipline and unwavering focus is often the difference between success and mediocrity. Whether you’re an aspiring athlete or a seasoned competitor, honing your visual skills can significantly enhance your perform...

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How Do I Cover a _______ Route?

One of the most common questions I get either by email or in my DM’s on Instagram ( @alleyesdbcamp ) is,  “coach how do I cover a <insert route>?” This understandable but head scratchable at the same time. Covering one specific route is like trying...

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turn head around

You Had Great Coverage So Why Didn’t You Turn Your Head Around

Amateur fan and professional coach alike will tell you that one of their pet peeves when it comes to defensive backs is not looking for the football.  There’s nothing like a guy being in a player’s hip pocket and having the wide receiver catch the football for...

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Db can be traced

80% of Where You Go Wrong at DB Can Be Traced to Your Eyes

It has been a long off season.  One of the longest on record.  Many defensive backs have lost their spring training,  spring football or Offseason Training Activities (OTAs).  This has left many to be out on their own training themselves.  While doing ...

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