3 Subtle Mistakes You Are Making in Man Your Press Man Reps

By now, we’re all aware of some of the common mistakes made when playing press man coverage. These include things like opening the gate, having your eyes too high, and getting on your heels. However, even after addressing these issues, you may still encounter problems fr...

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5 Things NFL Scouts Look For in Safeties

As the heartbeat of a defense, safeties play a pivotal role in the game of football. Their ability to read plays, cover ground, and deliver bone-crushing hits can turn the tide of a game in an instant. But what exactly are NFL scouts searching for when evaluating college safet...

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Stop Dropping the Ball! 6 Ways for DBs to Get their Ball Skills Right

Defensive backs (DBs) play a crucial role in preventing the opposing team’s passing game from gaining the upper hand. To do this effectively, DBs need to possess exceptional ball skills. Ball skills refer to the ability to track, catch, and defend passes, and they are an...

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Mastering the Art of Press Man Coverage

Mastering the Art of Press Man Coverage: Techniques Used by Elite Defensive Backs In the fast-paced world of the football, defensive backs play a pivotal role in disrupting the rhythm of opposing offenses. One of the most effective techniques in a cornerback’s arsenal is...

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All American DB

Five Skills to Make You An All American DB

By: Chad Wilson – All Eyes DB Camp Instagram: @alleyesdbcamp  | YouTube: cwilson91 1.  Ball Skills The name of the game on defense is creating turnovers.  If they don’t have the ball,  they can’t score.  The best way for them not to h...

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This One Thing at Safety Can Help You Make More Plays

By: Chad Wilson IG: @alleyesdbcamp For the casual observer of the game of football and defense in particular, playing safety is easy. When folks compare what appears to be the job of a safety to that of a corner, the instant feeling is that it seems way easier than life on the...

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3 Things Great DBs Must Have

So you want to be a great defensive back right? Well, as I have told you in countless articles on this site, it’s going to take some hard work. Playing DB is not easy but the thrill that comes with the success one achieves by mastering the position has few equals in the ...

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