All American DB

Five Skills to Make You An All American DB

By: Chad Wilson – All Eyes DB Camp Instagram: @alleyesdbcamp  | YouTube: cwilson91 1.  Ball Skills The name of the game on defense is creating turnovers.  If they don’t have the ball,  they can’t score.  The best way for them not to h...

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Want An Interception? Start with a Stance

By: Chad Wilson – IG: @alleyesdbcamp They say football is a game of inches. It is a phrase that is often overlooked and taken for granted. Many think it’s all about getting the necessary 10 yards for a first down or getting the ball across the goal line. I am here ...

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When It Comes to Making Plays Control > Speed

By: Chad Wilson – Instagram: @alleyesdbcamp It’s that time of year again where the talk of speed is heightened and everyone obsesses over 40 yard dash times. While the combine won’t happen this year, it won’t stop the mad rush to find out “what&rs...

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When Pressing Your Man Don’t Forget the Hand

By: Chad Wilson This blog is called All Eyes DB Camp so you know what I think is important when playing defensive back but the eyes aren’t everything, just the most important thing. Some guys when they are playing press pretend that their arms got amputated. Yes, I know ...

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Ladder Drills to Give DBs Better Feet

Use these basic drills on an agility ladder to improve your defensive back footwork.


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Kick Slide Your Way to Better Press Man Reps

By: Chad Wilson I see it all levels of football. A defensive back is lined up in press man, he panics on the wide receiver’s movement and then he just turns and runs. Once this happens, it’s a win for the wide receiver. The pass may not get completed but he has put...

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3 Ways to Affect the Game without an Interception

One of my secret pet peeves is hearing a defensive back who did nothing during a game tell me he couldn't make a play because "they didn't throw to my side".


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This One Thing at Safety Can Help You Make More Plays

By: Chad Wilson IG: @alleyesdbcamp For the casual observer of the game of football and defense in particular, playing safety is easy. When folks compare what appears to be the job of a safety to that of a corner, the instant feeling is that it seems way easier than life on the...

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5 Sure Fire Ways DBs Can Improve in Practice

BY: Chad WilsonIG: @alleyesdbcamp Practice, practice, practice. It makes perfect as they say. This could also mean that practicing wrong can make you perfectly wrong when game time comes. We don’t want that right? In this article, I will talk about five things defensive ...

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Doing This In Practice Keeps You From Being a Great DB

By: Chad Wilson IG: @alleyesdbcamp We’re talking about practice. The word and term practice took on a whole new meaning when former NBA great Allen Iverson went on a rant in front of reporters about the lack of importance of practice. Many misunderstood Iverson’s r...

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