secret drill

No There Isn’t A Secret Drill for That

Sometimes things in life are just simple.  They end up being so simple that you just refuse to believe them.  In your mind,  if it was that simple then everyone would be able to do it.  Here’s the thing about simple,  it scares a lot of peop...

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Catch attention

Your Attention Please. One Play Can Be the Whole Game

The game has been a battle of back and forth.  Each team is shooting their shot and things are tight all the way through.  When all is said and done,  the winner stands tall by less than a touchdown. That’s how many important games end in the football worl...

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jackson throw

Want to Be A Good DB? Find Yourself A Weave

There are many steps to becoming a top notched defensive back.  Many of those steps have been covered in the many articles that have been written on this blog and placed in my member’s area on this site. One of the more overlooked aspects of playing defensive back t...

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All records

Want to Be a Better DB? You Gotta Watch Ball Man!

I am sure the generation before me had this same thought but you guys nowadays have it easy.  My generation had betamax and VHS if you wanted to record your television.  If you wanted to listen to your favorite song on an album you had to fast forward and rewind...

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Match defence

4 Things You Are Doing Wrong in Your Press Man Stance

If you ever lined up to race someone or stepped in a batter’s box to hit a baseball,  you are aware that before someone yells go or a pitch is thrown,  you could win or lose.  Have your feet in the wrong spot and you will come out wrong in that race. ...

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Am I A Safety or a Corner?

So you are young in the game of football or perhaps your coach has moved your over to the dark side (aka defense).  Perhaps you have been contemplating a move to the side of the ball where aggression is not frowned upon (also known as defense).  Your athletic tr...

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player holding ball

Know Your DB History: Dre Bly

I have a treat for all of my sub 6 footers playing corner today.  This one is long overdue but it is here now.  If there was one guy that played this game that knew how to get his hands on the football consistently,  it was the one featured in this post. Lost an...

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Two Hand or One Hand Jams in Press Man?

I often get asked this question about press man coverage.  “Coach do you prefer two hand or one hand jam in press man?”  My answer initially is typically one people don’t like.  “It depends”.   This article explains. First...

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legend player

Should I Move to DB?

Many times I get asked in via email and DM if an athlete should move to defensive back.  As much as I get asked that question,  I am pretty sure there are many other guys who are asking that same question in their own heads.  Today I am going to use this ar...

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Do You See What I See? Great Secondaries Watch Film Together

I was in a game vs. a rival once.  Of course,  because it was a rivalry game,  I wanted to do well.  As such,  I did my fair share of film watching that week.  I would often look for situations that I could either take advantage of or plays I need...

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